I'm not sure what it is, but every time I'm sick I crave two items specifically: ginger ale and macaroni and cheese. And so tonight with a stiff neck and a headache the size of Texas, my husband with his good heart looked up the places with the best looking macaroni and cheese and we ventured out for a little fresh air and some good company. A strange combination, but sometimes the weirdest combinations are the ones that make our hearts sing when we aren't at our best. 

In the midst of the meal I had to laugh because my husband at one particular restaurant always insists on sharing the side of the table with me instead of going to the opposite side. It began one evening when it was too crowded to sit on the opposite end of the table, so he joined me on my side. We got some true stares, but I suppose to tiny folk sitting on one side of the table could be worse-always interesting to see what draws attention. 

When I inquired about this phenomenon my husband responded, "I like watching the people too." I suppose for a couple who have pretty erratic schedules, being able to share the same view for a bit is something most couples take for granted but we tend to savor. 

As people we tend to make fun of others for their "go to" comforts. But I think to ignite a tired spark it's always important to have a little duffel bag full of those comforts that revive your spirit. It may be a favorite food or drink, a favorite activity or show, a favorite blanket or spot in your house. Whatever it is, everyone should always mentally pack a duffel bag full of pick-me-ups because a little sprinkle of ginger ale and a spoonful of macaroni and cheese on the same side of a table can be the very thing to make your withered leaves sound again. 

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365 Days of Whimsical
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