handwritten on February 25, 2025
Dear Luna Mae,  You are a wonder and almost 22 months old! We sing "Happy Almost Second Birthday" at the park when we are making our sandcakes in the mornings. You are a creative in every way possible. You can make any of your toys or the simplest object come alive with just a little imagination. You turn tupperware into boats and cabinets into play ovens. You need very little to make you happy. You also LOVE babies. You love playing baby, making the baby "fake cry", feeding your baby dolls and hugging your baby dolls. You sometimes even give them showers. You say "Okay baby. Time to sit on your bum bum." We are excited for you to meet your new "real" baby cousin because we know you will...
handwritten on February 15, 2025
It's been a rough go for the world since January. But I remind myself daily as I'm searching for peace prayers or "patience the world will not end" prayers and "prayers for America's children," I also remind myself that there are still beautiful melodies around us and speaking of our beautiful Melody Beth Amoscato was just born on Valentine's Day ready to sing her song to the world.  A song is coming a new one one that is delicate and joyful easing the pain of the world's sorrows and creating a new song of resilience and love and joy reminding us there are better days and better ways A song is coming you may not have heard it yet or know the melody that it sings but it is living inside of...
handwritten on February 2, 2025
I am one of those people who believes in signs even if we are "unsure" of where the signs are leading us. Signs are like secret passageways that tug at our heart strings towards whimsical dreams. In this case, the signs have been coming in the form of children's stories! We have visited our free library that is right across the street from our apartment in West LA. We truly need to sort through our books and leave a book or two for someone else to enjoy. Nevertheless, we usually pass by and take a look at the novels that are hidden inside the secret bookshelf. On Friday, we passed by and found a brand new collection of Pete the Cat stories complete with stickers in the back of the book. I...
handwritten on January 20, 2025
Our littlest peanut changed completely within just one week of time. We aren't quite sure what happened or why it happened so suddenly but our emotions have suddenly turned to calm. It seems that our little Luna lady was trying to figure out about nine million emotions as well as all of her language in about two or three months worth of time. And in that time, we definitely had some rocky waters. Last Monday, we woke up and things were just so very different. We sang the patience song when we needed to wait, and we weren't making really any demands. We got up out of our naptime with the tiniest of tears and then all of a sudden we started sleeping in until 6:40 in the morning when we have...
handwritten on January 14, 2025
It's been a long time since I've blogged about little but mighty Luna Mae and so I'm going to try to recall the things that have happened as time begins to speed by! Luna Mae continues to be one happy eater. She loves pretty much anything you give her. We have days where we don't eat as much but vegetables, starches, meats, soups and you name it, she usually loves it. Her favorite cheese is definitely parmesan which she pronounces (parm ja mon). She loves to lick her fingers and pick up every little cheese crumb left on her tray, and she does it with great, meticulous care. Our favorite game is peek-a-boo hide and seek, and we love the book "The Yellow Bus."  Luna continues to be...
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