Amen to Action is a beautiful event that occurs in the city of Pittsburgh where multiple people of different faiths come together to pack one million meals for the homeless. And on this exact day last year was the Amen to Action of a lifetime because my brother decided to propose to the love of his life. So overwhelmed by this day last year, I did indeed forget the password to my phone for a few hours-which ironically I have not done so since.
Amen to Action is always beautiful but what solidifed the Amen to Action of my life following this event was a three hour coffee chat with my sister-in-law about future goals and dreams and life wishes. And I think Amen to Action in essence is this idea that you are listening to another and helping them take action through thought and prayer and whatever else they may need going forward.
I think every once and a while in life you are lucky enough to meet a friend or two or maybe three-friends that are willing to grab a cup of coffee and just exchange everything they could possibly exchange with another. It could be exchanging silence or exchanging advice, exchanging notes or exchanging ideas. But regardless-this exchange is putting love into action. Because the minute you listen to another or take time to provide feedback, you are quite literally exchanging love. When you listen to another-really listen- you are placing prayer and the heart and soul of yourself into action. So amen to action and of course amen to whimsical life happenings that place the amen-into-action.