This is an incredible, true story about an eight year old girl named Sheyann Webb who grew up during the time of the Civil Rights Movement. In order to fight for peace, she led the congregation in singing for peace and freedom. In addition, she led a group of adults in song as they marched to fight for the right to vote in Selma, Alabama. This is a story of passion, hope and extraordinary bravery; the passion of an eight year old has the potential to change the world.


It is interesting to think that I was exposed to very little literature on Martin Luther King as I was attending elementary school. I was immediately drawn to this book for two important reasons. Primarily, I was drawn to this book because it was based on a true story and because it talks about an eight year old's impact on her community during the time of the Civil Rights Movement. When we discuss Martin Luther King in the elementary school, we generally only focus on Martin Luther King himself and fail to open our eyes to other exemplary works that talk about the younger generation making a different during this time period. Not only is the text engaging, but the pictures are beautiful and it defines the term "civil rights" in a very simplistic manner.

  • Angela Shelf Medearis Author
  • Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu Illustrator
  • Scholastic Publisher
  • 2004 Year
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