I have had a discussion with many my students about not comparing themselves to the other students in the classroom. Many students have come up to me saying things such as: "I know he is smarter than me." Or " These two students are definitely the smartest in the class." 

"The Grass is Greener on the Other Side, Miss Amoscato"

What if I was in that class? What if I was in fourth grade math? What if I knew this? What if I could do this as well as the person sitting next to me?

This idea of "smart" or "not smart" is honestly created through the cultural nature of our school system. Students labeled "GIFTED" at an early age are watched by their peers as they saunter out of the classroom to move on to "BETTER THINGS" than what are going on in the regular classroom. Unfortunately, with this "leaving of the classroom" comes this idea that these students must somehow be better than ME. They must somehow be smarter than ME. As a result, I now have a low self-esteem and there is no reason for me to try as hard because I will never be "On the Greener Grass." I will never make it to the other side. 

For whatever reason, the word "Smart" was placed into the dictionary and our social norms tells us immedietely as teachers who is "smart." Until I realized early on in my teaching career that every students has a passion for something different. A students who writes with perfect mechanics may look good on paper and be considered a "smart writer" by some. However, in my mind, the passion behind the writing is more important. A passion for life is important. The effort behind the activity is important and most importantly, the perserverance in carrying out an activity is even more important. Passion and Grit and Perserverance are more important than being smart- whatever "smart" actually means. Why even use the phrase if we are unable to define it?

I'm starting a social experiment within my classroom. I have coined a new word to replace the word "SMART" and the word is SPLUNKSSION. The s stands for soul, p-passion, l-love, "unk" the spunk in trying and ssion-the ending of PASSION. If you start with soul and end with passion, you can do anything. You can be anything. 

Let's stop trying to be like him or her. Let's stop trying to be smart. Smart doesn't matter but how you carry out your life...well that matters a whole lot. Am I right?


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