As a teacher, I think we become bogged down by a lot of paperwork and decisions. I make so many tiny decisions throughout the day, I think sometimes we have to realize that it isn't the decision that is going to bring joy and love, it is the person behind the decision. For example, I can make a decision to have the students use highlighters instead of pen to underline. However, if the teacher isn't delivering the article with love, both the highlighter and the pen are unecessary. I think sometimes we stress so much the mere decisions that could alter the day, that we forget that the joy and love and faith behind the decision far outway the actual decision. Decision-making is difficult. It is not always logical. Some of the best decisions I have made inside and outside of the classroom have been "gut-feelings" or "feelings from the heart." The things that I do not have planned are sometimes the decisions that fill the original plans with joy and love.
For me, I bog myself down with decisions because I'm not only a perfectionist, but I think I do like being or at least feeling in control. It's a security blanket. If I think about that decision over and over again, then the decision will probaby turn out perfectly. In fact, I think it is that "thinking of decisions" that sometimes turns into worry (at least for me.) This year, in particular, I think I have been living more intentionally about trying not to worry so much about the decision, but rather driving things based off of my heart, effortless decisions and trust. Actually, a decision only becomes effortless when it is built off of trust. It is then, the worry goes away.
So I supposed what I'm trying to say is: life is full of big and little decisions. It is important to intentionally not become too bogged down by this idea of "the decision must be perfect." Rather, ask yourself this: Am I, the person behind the decision driving forward with love? Am I, the person behind the decision driving forward with passion? Am I, the person behind the decision driving forward with positivity? If the answer to these question is yes. Then, the decision will happen and regardless of what that decision is, you will be just fine. The person and their perspective, not the decision, truly matters.