Today was probably one of my favorite lunch bunch conversations of all time. Childhood has much wisdom (this is for sure.) I think as a society we are really judgemental when it comes to this word "purpose." We just are. We think our purpose is better than another person's purpose. We believe we have more to give. We believe our status and what we do dictates our purpose. Truth is, after today's conversation, it was just another realization about how children are just that much more full of wisdom than adults. Truth is, we all have the same amount of purpose in this lifetime. No purpose is too great or too small and certainly individuals who see their purpose as greater-well they aren't understanding the larger picture. 

The conversation today was around parental jobs. And the students had gleaming eyes as they told me about the hard work their parents put in day in and day out. One student had shining eyes as she explained to me how excellent of a baker her dad was and the donuts she received on the weekend as a special treat. Another student explained to me how her dad works the longest of hours-even on the weekends. A third student talked about how her dad helps out on the horse farm and then on Monday evenings, they race the horses together. 

Talk about the beautiful people around us who are doing everything they can for their children. You think you work hard? Look around you. You think you have a more "special" purpose than someone else? If every single individual had the same purpose in this lifetime, well there would be no magic, no whimsy in that. Take time to remember when you walk down the street that every single person has a purpose and no purpose, no job, no dream is any better than the rest. 

The next time I step into a bakery, I certainly will be more aware of that someone who poured their loved into that baked good I was eating. Because their purpose is surely causing a gleam inside someone else's eyes-one we don't even know about. 

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365 Days of Whimsical
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