2 miles: I was so eager to skip running today, but I forced myself on the treadmill and decided to run two miles with an incline. I must say, usually, I am much more productive in my thinking and my running for that matter but today all I could think about was my dad smiling his soft smile with his bright eyes and warm heart. You see-today marks exactly two years in which he has been cancer free. And all statistics aside-this is the brightest miracle indeed. I think everyone in our family was waiting very impatiently for this week to come to a close to receive the news we were all hoping for. And sometimes we are so overwhelmed with pure joy- that image conquers all parts of our vision.
Dad is the truest man
He smiles with his eyes and has the softest voice
His goodness is so humbling that sometimes you think to yourself Is it really possible for someone to be that beautiful?
And it's funny because in looking through his high school yearbook for the first time ever this fall
The only words we noticed were repeated over and over by his peers was the word
Beautiful- as in beauty for beauty's sake
Beautiful- as in imaginative and intelligent
Beautiful- as in always wanting to better someone else
Beautiful- as an in the most attentive listener
And sometimes beautiful people deserve beautiful things
And dad doesn't just deserve to be cancer-free
he quite literally deserves the world