3.2 miles: This has been the strangest winter I have endured in a long time. We have seen little snow but much warm air has been blowing through. In fact, outside today it felt like Spring and the sun kissed your cheeks as you walked outside amongst the trees. And i've come to the realiza tion that though we may not admit it affects us, lack of sunlight does something to the soul. Without windows in my classroom, I could still detect the stir from my students. It was as if they felt the sunlight chasing them down and they wanted to partake as long as possible. And with that, how often are we chasing sunlight or do we feel like we are chasing sunlight? Or do we just feel the sunlight when it is present and wish it will last as long as possible? Or do we try to make our own sunlight when shadows pass and the coldness rushes through one's very being? A sunlit path is a beautiful path is a thought-provoking path is one filled with the light necessary to move through life with great optimism despite uncertainty. Though we may not always see the sunlight, we can certainly create a pathway for others. As I told my student today- positivity and perspective are two goals we continue to work on. This idea that your perception of what is happening either creates the sunlit path or prevents your soul from leaving the shadows. We have every day to run and hide or catch the sun.