The period of uncertainty conitnues to grow and change

I do feel like every day brings with it new challenges and new thoughts and ideas

But I must say-we are forced right now to be creative "out of the box thinkers."

This is more of a thank-you letter to my colleagues, my family and friends who have 

check in on eachother, loved one another, made eachother laugh and tried

to seek some sort of normalcy that we all so desire during this time

And sometimes that means just a small text

and sometimes that means making small talk about life events to others

that may seem trivial but today-seem rather important

And sometimes that just means playing piano

or working on a project

or having a conversation with someone you aren't quite used to having

In times of isolation such as this-communication and comfort

are so very important

May we call on one another and 

remember the importance

of togetherness

and creation

and dreams

Dreaming is quite powerful

two very powerful words

that drive our inner-souls forward

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Miles of Clarity: Seeing 20/20
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