As October comes to a restful end this year

It's a clear reminder of the importance of rest 

in small cracks of uncertainty where rest feels like

it cannot be reached properly

because the soul is grounded in constant restlessness

like an autumn leaf that just will not land

unless a landing is forced upon it. 

But "Autumn whispered to the wind: I fall-but always rise again." 

How true

So whether you feel like the leaf that has just changed the most vibrant color of cherry red

or the leaf that seems to float through the winds of change in the wrong direction entirely

or the leaf that has fallen, cracked and dry perhaps never to be found again

in intentional rest

the soul always rises again

for a new day and a new challenge 

so perhaps stop counting the amount of times you have fallen 

we are all fallen

from the tree still sprinkled with the colors of fleeting hope

but count those moments

where you are lifted up in heartfelt peace 

and be careful because

catching hope right now feels like



Catch the wind with your fingertips

but the breeze continues

even one noticed pocketful of autumn wind

is enough to keep the soul


like that leaf

way up high

on that




this journal is a chapter in...

365 Days of Whimsical
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