Dear Luna,
We just simply cannot believe you are officially two months. How much you have grown since we brought you home! This past month has been magical because we began to see you smile for the first time. You have excellent eye contact, and you love to look into the face of whomever is holding and rocking you. When you are cheesing extra hard, you have two giant dimples that pop up making that grin even more beautiful. Just like your daddy, you truly smile with your eyes, and we love that about both of you.
This month, we can say with great confidence that you are the ultimate snuggle bunny. You love to be held and squeezed extra tight (especially if you're sad.) You got three shots in one day for your two-month visit and though it was painful, a little squeeze and some extra kisses were all you needed before sleeping the remainder of the day! We are working on making sure we place you down for nap time when you fall asleep, but sometimes we secretly enjoy holding you and enjoying the extra snuggles too. We know those snuggles don't last forever!
You still absolutely love to eat, and you certainly let us know instantly when you are hungry. We are working on getting a little bit more patient with the milk, but we have just found that rushing very fast to give you your bottle is really what seems to work best for your soul! You are growing at an outstanding rate! Your head is still in the 90th percentile making daddy ever so proud. Your height is in the 44th percentile and weight is in the 87th percentile. The doctor told us that your head control is that of a four month old and so we are very proud of your very strong neck to hold up that giant noggin!
Luna Mae you are one talkative baby! You began to really pick up your cooing around 5 or 6 weeks, and you have been talking ever since. You love to look at the tree we have in our apartment and talk at all the pictures hanging on the wall. You love to coo from 3:00-4:30 AM in the morning when you get your extra second wind and decide it is not the hour to sleep. You have tried out all kinds of vocalizations, and we just love holding a conversation with you. You are a great talker but also an exceptional listener, and we hope you never lose both of these qualities. Your voice is so very important.
Besides packing in a lot of milk into those cheeks, you are one content baby. You love stretching out and passing gas simultenously, and you seem to really be enjoying the soft size 2 moon diapers that have been nicely containing your blowouts. You love to swing, play with cousin Gio's blue hedgehog, and you love a good cheesy smile. The days have been going by so very quickly, and we have relished in them all! You are a true doll baby, and we look forward to another month of partying, celebrating, laughing, loving, snuggling, pooping and eating with you.
We love you to the Luna and back.
Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy