I once began a school year with a brilliant book entitled "Someone Builds the Dream." It highlights every important vocation that we often ignore as a society and the building blocks that make us who we are. As an elementary educator, we are often forgotten about in later years. However, now that I am taking care of my daughter and someone else's daughter, you begin to realize how important all of those tiny building blocks are to create a happy, full and healthy soul. And how many intricacies there are when building the dream. As an educator in the classroom, I would constantly worry about each and every one of my students. When I had them in third grade I had students who were filled with anxiety, who didn't want to come to school, who had a difficult time socializing with others, and I would spend long hours trying to fix and tweak what I was doing so that they could be successful. However, with my first class ever graduating this year, I am always filled with hope knowing that all of those worries we have when we are building those most important blocks often blossom into something beautiful. We forget that kids change at every stage of life. And ALL of them become "okay." Interestingly, I remember having this conversation with one of the longest standing kinder teachers at my first school and every time I brought up a new worry about a child she always said, "Brianna- you do know- they ALL turn out okay." So full of wisdom she was although at the time I didn't realize it. As humans we are meant to struggle and often what is a struggle in the moment is not a struggle tomorrow. Metamorphosis is a long and difficult process and one may argue that as humans we never stop growing and changing with the seasons (some seasons just more difficult than others.) So while many of us elementary teachers are worrying about what will happen to our caterpillars, we can be reminded today that every single one becomes a butterfly as they figure out who THEY ARE and their place in the world. Years of discovery begin with just a few blocks-every one important. 

this journal is a chapter in...

Outside the Neighborhood
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