Chase Ambrose has fallen off of his roof and now can no longer remember who he is or what he stands for. Chase essentially begins a new life when he steps back into school and realizes that he must try to uncover who he WAS and what everyone was so afraid of to become a better person, a better student and a better friend.


It is rare that I am able to read a book in one sitting. However, this book was one that I simply could not put down. There is so much packed into one story. It is a beautiful reminder that you always have the choice to be who you really want to be. You always have the choice to defy odds, defy expectations and be a GOOD person in every true sense of the word. We meet a variety of different characters and their stories constantly overlap and create beauty and dissonance. It is a story of the diversity of individuals who eventually all come together to make the world a better place, to change the life of an individual who used to be a bully and now wants to add color back into the world of his community and the people he once treated unfairly. Change, with grace and patience, can be achieved. 

  • Gordon Korman Author
  • none Illustrator
  • Scholastic Inc Publisher
  • 2017 Year
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