Tonight was a whimsical night in my eyes. I came home from Buffalo, New York and realized I had no food to eat. Bregrudgingly (because I'm very cheap) I realized I may have to go out to dinner. With my brother in the midst of moving his life to the Northside of Pittsburgh we decided upon Industry. A burger and fries with a life catch-up is always splendid. It's even more splendid when you are off from teaching for a week and realize you actually have energy after a full day and your eyes are still wide open at 7:30 PM. A little life break every now and again is sometimes what the doctor orders.
Through some life chats, we decided afterwards that moving the mattress at 9:00 PM from one apartment to another would be a good idea. And so though usually not "out and about" at this hour in the evening, I found it so very adventurous to cross the bridge overlooking the city of Pittsburgh, lights twinkling, darkness casting its shadows around the stillness of a city with a giant mattress pad in the back of our car. A burger and a mattress pad with some life chats. Pure definition of whimsy.