3 miles: Walking
My husband and myself went on a fairly long walk today
through the suburban neighborhood that is where I grew up and where my parents still dwell
And I have never seen so many joyful neighbors walking with their families.
Time and time again I have always remaked on how independent the world is.
When I grew up (not super long ago) the neighborhood kids used to get together
and ride bicycles
and play kickball in the summers
and travel to and fro throughout the woods on adventures and mini quests
but many years have passed and I always notice how empty the neighborhood is
until today
because people really do value family time and simplistic walks when that is all you have left
of your schedule that is no longer really a normal schedule
The skies were the most briliant shade of blue and
as we practiced our social distancing we talked and talked about
the houses we liked and didn't like
and maybe what our house will look like in the far future
think about that: discussions centered around green shutters, windows, lawns, brick color
honestly it was so refreshing
it was so refreshing just noticing the beauty around us and imagining what the inside of that house looked like
and who lived there and what they did
I guess we tend to think more about the "what-ifs" when we are allowed to do so
And we tend to think more about the beauty of the outdoors...when we actually allow ourselves to enjoy
those wooded areas filled with beauty
Say hello to a neighbor
and like the chalk messages we saw in front of many of the houses
be kind
have faith
fill your love with grace
stamp a chalk note on your heart
and the hearts of others
embrace the outdoor whimsy and clear your mind-there has never been a better moment to do so.