Upon graduation, it became increasingly evident to me that the hard work was only beginning. Alas, it was not time for relaxing but time to begin substitute teaching as well as job searching. I must say that I am now prouder than ever to have received my teaching certificate from the state of Pennsylvania. The interview process to score a job in the state of Pennsylvania is nothing short of challenging, exhausting and sometime frustrating. Unlike other careers, there is not simply one interview but often four or five rounds of interviews before you are even considered as a potential candidate for a particular school district. Thousands of teachers apply for one or two teaching positions for any given school district. You not only have to be passionate about what you do, but you have to be intelligent, confident and have the ability to think on your feet when faced with enormous pressure and counteless scenario-based questions. For those who constantly banter about how "easy the field of education" seems, I would like to see them try to hold their own at even one interview in the Pittsburgh area. 

I am most definitely uncertain as to where my future teaching position will be. I'm leaving it up to fate to decide where it is I am meant to be in the coming year. I trust that I will go in the direction my heart goes. Until then, I am proud to be part of such a difficult process and a challenging profession. It has been quite a humbling experience. 

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