Below is the rewritten version of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech written by my third grade students. This is a beautiful example of love and their beautiful perspective on such a complex topic. 

Group One: We are happy to be here. We gather here today under the statue of slavery. It is a hundred years later and blacks are still in slavery. We suffer because we are different from white. They are on an island and are surrounded by people that is rich, wealthy and greedy. The white people get homes and we get ghettos.

 Group Two: Today white and black people are treated more fair, but long in the past they weren't treated fairly. They had to ride at the back of the bus, drink at a different water fountain, go to a different movie theatre and they can't do anything white people do. Compared to that, they didn't follow the founding father's rules. Now it is time to make a real promise, now it is time to rise from the dark.

 Group Three: The year 1963 is not an end. It is but a beginning. Some want black to be calm and happy. They will be sad if the nation returns to the way it was. Black Americans want their rights. They will seek the bright day when justice shines. The blacks want change to the world. Martin Luther King said to his people they must be calm they must forever have pride and discipline. We must get along with our white brothers.

Group Four: Black people were not included in the Declaration of Independence. There were facts that were worthless to the black Americans. The black men were suppose to get the God given rights but the whites did. A good life, freedom and justice was supposed to be for everyone.

Group Five: We can not be done fighting for our rights. They did not keep their promise because black men live in ghettos. Black people can't vote. We won't be done until they get treated fairly. We will not be done until justice comes. Justice means letting people come into the same stores and the same pools as white people, black people go to the same playgrounds.

Group Six: Don't let suffer take control of your life. Be strong, Be confident, learn from your mistakes and succeed! It does not matter what you look like it's what's inside of you, go back to your home land and see your beloved family and friends. All blacks know what you are going through do not fight this fight alone let us help!

We don't need to be judged by our skin. We should be judged by character. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of character. We all have a dream to have peace in the world and justice. I have a dream.


this journal is a chapter in...

Hartwood Elementary School

Third Grade

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