As a kid, I always thought it would be interesting to have a timemark on how much time we actually have left in this world (almost like a daily count down.) I suppose it's a bit of a morbid thought, but I figured it might replace some of my massive to do lists and organize me in a way that allowed me to see time as not just lists but as a sense of urgency. Even now, when I have a list of thirty things that need to get done, I always do think to myself, if today was my very last day, what do I actually need to get done?
Well for those in the medical field, I feel like they are given this timemark and it's called "the beeper." That beeper can interrupt and slice and silence with two or three simple beeps. I have heard it can disrupt a conversation, a good dream, a moment of peace, a sip of lemonade and a wave of the hand with one simple beep. I've heard my husband groan time and time again with this timemark-almost a talking time capsule. A reminder that no matter how forcefully we deem it, time is really not our own-not truly.
And despite the sleepless nights, I think we have learned to conquer the beeper with as most grace as possible. Dreams become more urgent, sleeping peacefully on the top of the list and catching in as much conversation as possible (meaningfully) before the buzzer sounds is also a top priority. When time isn't yours, it really is looked at much more preciously, carried much more tenderly, loved much more dearly.
I actually wish to thank our personal beeper.
Thank you for beeping me through one dream and allowing me to enjoy another.
Thank you for awaking me and reminding me of that "one more" important thing I must accomplish before the day is done.
Thank you for your consecutive beeps cutting through the silence that can become fleeting if we aren't too careful about where we are going and where we are headed.
Thank you for being our own personal time keeper.
As they say, time is of the essence. The most untamed and sweeping force there is-ours to conquer.