3 miles: Goodness. I made a vow to myself that I would get off the writing kick for 2020. However, after talking to close friends and family, I've decided to once again begin again. Thanks to my brilliant sister-in-law, she mentioned seeing life with 20/20 vision, and I thought to myself well this is just too good to not doing anything with it. Thus, a new blog for 2020 has begun with a bit of a different spin. Though whimsy is still very much a part of my everyday being, the newest challenge seeks to combine running and writing as I look though the lenses of 2020 with fresh eyes each and every day I am gifted. I tend to do my best thinking when I am running and thus the challenge will be to run at least one mile per day and in that time allow my mind to run free. Whatever clarity I have been provided within that reflection time will be the clarity mile in which I record. Essentially, I'm moving myself forward in miles but also moving my soul forward as well and hopefully...the soles or souls of others. The treck today began a bit begrudingly as the time was precisely 4:13 PM, and I realized I had not yet run but luckily what beautiful weather we had today and what a perfect time to run as the golden hour in the city occurred right when I had completed my run. 

I think what came to mind today was almost a visual transformation of sorts. As I was running the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh I saw colors of gray and muted blues until I crossed the bridge to return back home and that's when I saw this golden aura surrounding the entirety of Children's hospital and our neighborhood. It was as if the sun was shining just in the right place to create this unmuted, beautiful glow. And I suppose as I saw this golden aura, I was reminded of the visual transformation of worry and what this can do to the color of one's vision. I have spent probably less time worrying in 2019 than any other year. I am a worrier for sure, and I know others are as well. And as I looked around at family members this holiday break, I was reminded of the beauty of togetherness and how this tends to mask or alter or transform worry in a way that allows muted colors to become golden. So much of us spend our time worrying that we rarely ever see the gold in the distance. And how beautiful it is when worry is unveiled from the surface of our hearts-releasing clarity from our souls. My wish for your this new year is to look at your circumstance and your thoughts and wishes and dreams and loved ones and family gatherings with greater clarity. Find a new perspective. Force yourself to quite literally change your vision or perhaps create a space for your vision to be altered more fully into the goodness of life. A Happy New Year to everyone and cheers to the new miles this year you will create. For every mile contains a new vision. Every vision, a new adventure. Every adventure, a change to the heart stamped on the soles of your feet. Think about the miles you take this year-for no step in any direction is ever too small to change the world. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Miles of Clarity: Seeing 20/20
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