I've been writing and rewriting the lettert to my parents this year which- If I am being honest is more a letter to myself or rather a letter to all of us. The more I think about the letter, the more I think about the ocean and the way it seems to swallow the world. But then the more I think about this letter, the more I think about this ocean and how it flows with such energy and sometimes a sincere calming spirit. To look out into the ocean is to see vastness but awe. As a kid, I was always in awe of the fact that I could stand looking at the ocean for hours and never see where it ended. I would squint my eyes and look ahead hoping to go beyond the end that I could not see. But how fitting an image for a time such as this. Because we need positive flow to get us through this year but also a sincere calmness and the realization that we cannot see the end. Walking into what we cannot see we can either fill ourselves with apprehension or picture the ocean with thousands of stars floating in their own little boats. And every day is a chance to meet up with one of those stars, swim beyond the waves and reach what we think may be unreachable. The ocean is strength and fear and hope all mixed into one and undoubtedly we will be moving back and forth between all three. But there is more hope than apprehension when we focus on the freeing spirit of a body of water and the chance to conquer something we have never been asked to conquer before. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Days of Whimsical
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