Today is a bright and shining Easter! It's the 66 degree weather we never have in Pittsburgh-with not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately, I've physically been away from church for a while but I continue to tune in virtually and this morning was a beautiful message of worship, love and literally the perfect homily which I will post below. Sometimes the word comes at just the right time. So I'm thankful for this message and music as I close my week of rest, spiritual contemplation, laughter and discernment. 

"Your callIng is going to crush you. If you are called to mend the broken-hearted, you are going to wrestle with broken-heartedness. If you are called to prophesy, you are going to struggle to control your mouth. It you are called to lay hands, you will battle spiritual viruses. If you are called to preach and teach the gospel, you will be sifted for the wisdom that anoints your message. If you are called to empower, your self-esteem will be attacked, your successes will be hard fought.Your calling will come with cups, thorns and sifting that are necessary for your mantle to be authentic, humble and powerful. Your crushing won’t be easy because your assignment is not easy. Your oil is not cheap."

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