Sometimes we are hit the stomach with the very notion that
the skies we thought were shining a brighter blue in the city you were born in
a city you have lived all your life
the skies are still full of cloudiness
spilling with racism, discrimination and blatant disrespect for humanity
What was a very beautiful celebration with my family this Sunday
began with the sour and continued realization that the skies are STILL painted
a brighter color for individuals like me (white)
As we waited in line to get to the ballpark to see the game
every individual got through the line except my mother-in-law
who is the cutest, spunkiest 4 foot 11 Chinese woman
who was carrying a purse pretty much the same size
as my own mother
and my sister-in-law Tesin
and yet she was stopped and told that her purse was "too large"
by security and was asked to go back to the car
to put her purse back
We all called it out as an act of discrimination
because why pretend it was something else
we weren't listened to
and truly the only reason my sister-in-law was most likely let through with her purse
was probably because she was sandwiched in-between both my mother and myself (both white)
and so she "appeared" like she was with our group
As someone who has extended family members who are from China and Kerala, India
all of which have been discriminated against time and time again
enough is enough
stand up, call out blatant acts of discrimination
and work to makes the skies a little less cloudy
Because if we aren't all working together
the skies will never be painted with anything but
This post is for my husband, my "little sister" Jenny, my sister, Tesin, her brothers and all of my in-laws
You deserve better
You deserve to be celebrated
You deserve to be treated with respect
You deserve to be loved
because YOU are what make Pittsburgh's skies a brighter blue.