It's been lovely finally going to church for the first time

since the pandemic started

and yesterday's music and words (my two favorite things in the world)

created such a renewal of faith and wisdom and love

A beautiful sermon pierced through the hearts of all yesterday

as life was framed as a race of endurance

What do we need spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally to 

run through trials without growing weary?

up steep hills and over valleys

in watching the olympic trials recently, the spirit of endurance has brought

a renewed sense of hope to my heart 

because during this past year (which was a difficult season for all in some way or another)

we either began to realize how nourished we were to run our race of endurance or

perhaps what we realized that our race was lacking something in the name of love

or patience or inspiration or faith 

and so my hope for all is to remember that each day we are given

is a precious gift

and every day, if you are so lucky, you are given the gift of running the race in a better way

in a more loving way, peaceful way, whimsical way

perhaps now we can become more focused on how we run our race of endurance rather than focusing on merely getting "through the race"

because if you're simply just trying to get through

focuing on putting one foot in front of the other

without every looking around

you're going to miss those moments of love and inspiration

that float down unexpectedly 

and settle gently on your soul

and perhaps we change "race of endurance" to simply our life "journey of endurance"

and then "getting through" becomes actually living

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