I've decided that as time goes on, I get more sentimental/emotional
I say this with a serious chuckle but honestly..
I look back on thirty years, and I think to myself...what a BEAUTIFUL
journey. Boy have I just been abundantly blessed with every experience I have been given and every relationship I have made. It's unbelievable.
I was sitting in Urban Impact today just contemplating how many years I've been volunteering
I believe my first year was in 2016 and the magic there never wears off
But as I was playing my flute, a student caught my eye (I'll spare his name here)
but I was vividly taken back to my first year volunteering where I had four solid flute students
and this student in particular was just one of my absolute favorites
His brain was unbelievable (he was able to memorize every book and story within the bible)
He never sat still, but he learned the flute faster than I could even believe. Gifted. Intelligent. Beautiful.
and I remember helping him with his homework, and he actually sat on my lap as a second/third grader
Fast forward to today as I heard this "Miss Bri..is that you?" from across the room (and though I've watched this student grow up over the years... I have not seen his face in a while)
and I was greeted with that same smile I was greeted with seven years ago...
He is now a sophmore in high school with a 3.9 GPA and the biggest dreams and aspirations- that I have no doubt he will achieve. He gave me the biggest hug, and he said "I really miss you Ms. Bri. Remember when I used to sit on your lap?"
I literally had to fight back tears.
Sometimes when our "older" parents cry or get sentimental we chuckle to ourselves but honest to goodness when I hit 30, I actually really GOT it. Actually, I think I GOT it before thirty but it hit harder when I turned a new chapter. In fact, I cried with my mom as she cried on my 30th birthday.
Time is precious. It is fleeting and oh my goodness does it go by just way. too. fast. Watching a baby grow up is probably one of the most beautiful gifts we could ever be blessed with in this lifetime. And goodness this wasn't even my baby, so I have no clue how I will be when I have my own some day. I think for this reason I love to keep track of my former students. And for some special few, I actually watch them progress into middle school and then high school and continue to mentor along the way. This is probably the greatest gift of all.
I love watching humans grow.
No matter how old this student may get..I hope I'm old and wrinkly one day and I hear this "Ms. Bri...remember when I used to sit on your lap and do homework?" and am greeted by the same hug and smiling face.
But for now, I urge you to pray that time slows down just a little. Don't rush through your days. And make every single interaction and memory you have with another being count.
I'm sometimes a person who gets so caught up in the future, that I forget about how beautiful life is right now. And it is so very beautiful.
Because in the blink of an eye, a third grader can become a 10th grader just. like. that.
Makes those moments last.