Luna Mae, our wonderous and whimsical little girl has grown leaps and bounds since moving to LA. Since 13 months, she has had a very steady nap schedule of 9:00 and then 2:30 in the afternoon. We say goodbye to all of our relatives, the birds, the squirrels and ring our special chimes to ring in peaceful slumber! We no longer cry to put ourselves down but instead we love to sing or chat about all the words we know and people we saw throughout the day.
Luna Mae loves to make friends at the park. We still conduct a lot of parallel play but we do have our favorite friends we enjoy playing beside in the sand. Lola is one of our favorite friends as well as Cassia and Riley and Leo and Poppy. We enjoy everything and anything about the outside. In fact, as soon as we wake up we need to go "outside" and before we go to bed we also need to go "outside." But honestly, who wouldn't want to go outside in sunny California? Luna loves wading in the water, she loves the beach and loves to touch every rock and speck of dirt and dust imaginable.
Luna enjoys building with single blocks and eating playdough and occasionally markers. She enjoys summarizing her day (at the end of every day) but telling me what and who she saw on our table that we draw with frosted window markers. She had a huge language burst starting at 15 months and seems to be picking up a few new words each week which is quite fantastic! We just learned "water" "soda" and "please" this week. The language development is probably my favorite stage of development so far! It is just whimsical the amount of words children can pick up in just a short amount of time.
Luna Mae has done a much better job entertaining herself and sticking with an activity for longer than two seconds. We often catch her playing with the magnets or drawing with a pen or building with blocks or talking to her baby doll or pretend feeding the elephant in the high chair. She loves books and has periods of time throughout the day where she will sit and read 10-12 books over and over again in one sitting which makes her book-loving mother incredibly happy. We still enjoy literature with babies, but we also love literature with numbers (though we only know the number one and call it "nine")
We love bubbles, giggling and cuddling. If there ever was a cuddle baby, Luna Mae is it. She still loves to run and walk but she loves to have her back rubbed and she loves to cuddle with baba in the shower and mama after she wakes up from her naps (and then doze back to sleep). She blows kisses, knows her manners and hugs just about everyone and everything.
We are still a little sweet and sour nugget. We are navigating emotions right now and definitely have learned angry and sad and happy which at times can move through at the speed of light in less than five minutes. We are learning to ask for help when we need it and also working through problems without becoming frustrated. What I will say is, Luna does not like to quit a task (which I find to be an excellent internal character trait.) However, it does cause increased frustration when the task is too difficult and then we refuse to transition to another activity. We find that leaving places and spaces are best transitioned with a time count down and a "goodbye see you soon" which makes the transition less final. We have been curbing our throwing food off the high chair behavior with one chocolate chip (which does seem to be working in our favor.)
Cheers to continued whimsy with our little one as she begins to learn more about the beautiful world around her and speak her mind (which she does very well at 16 months.) And cheers to always saying "Yes!" which we do right now all the time :)
Love and adventure await!
We love you!
Mama and Baba