Due to childcare, lots of schools have done away with what is known as the “half day blues.” Our school however still implements these half day schedules into our calendars. As a creature of habit, I constantly looked upon these half days as half empty cups of despair. Students complete half the work containing half the magic with half the smiles and half the laughter and somehow double the stress. But today, for whatever reason, that glass half empty was half-full. I think sometimes we need to realize that magic isn’t always created with a full cup. A half cup gives you a sprinkling of lives and allows you to focus in on more intimate problems and their solutions. I had a conversation today with a student about confidence on his half-day, introduced a capstone project and focused specifically on a student’s birthday-and more often than not I’m always forgetting a student’s birthday. It was almost like a half day gift from above. I was given the opportunity to look at life with a small view-finder-moving it around slowly and carefully looking at the smaller details, but also realizing focusing on just half the problems is okay. The cup becomes half full when you realize no matter how many phone calls, emails, spreadsheets or birthday signs you get done, it is love that always and automatically fills the other half of the cup.