I was looking through my old cards from student in the past, and I stumbled across a card from last year that I think may drive my spirit through the rest of my career. It read: "Dear Mrs. Amoscato, thank you for being such a great teacher. But also thank you for being my very best friend."

I always have to smile because I received a lot of teaching training through internships and The University, and I heard advice from countless people who would usually say the same thing: You don't want to come across as being their friend. You want to come across as being their teacher."

But truly, how can you possible create a global citizen of this world or a strong mentoring relationships without first creating a friend? It's difficult being a teacher, but you know-gaining a friend is even harder. Because a friend sees beyond the person into the soul of who they are. Because a friend provides comfort but also challenge and mentorship but also freedom. Because a friend must create an atmosphere of empathy while also actively listening while somehow balancing that with advice. You want to know why the beginning weeks are always hard? As a teacher, the beginning weeks are hard because, we as people are still trying to create friendships. And despite what people may tell us-whimsical and love-filled friendships aren't created in a day. And good friendships are intentional. And intentional friendships require so much more focus. 

I think I enjoy the opportunity to reconnect with my student years later when they arrive into their fourth and fifth grade years because we are already friends and can grow as such. 

And let me tell you-the greatest teachers I ever had-the ones that made the most profound impact on my life-were my elementary and middle school teachers. They were the teachers who were teachers but first and foremost-they were beautiful friends. 

"You've got a friend in me" becomes so very real and humbling as we realize the ability to teach should not be a power struggle. Authority is earned when you first are able to make a friend. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Days of Whimsical
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