Dear Families,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Veteran’s Day! We thank all of our Veterans for the sacrifices they have made for their service. We will have a special Veteran’s Day assembly tomorrow where our students will perform a chant/poem regarding peace. In addition, it was an absolute pleasure meeting each and every one of you during conferences. I have never met so many kind-hearted individuals, and I know I see this kindness each and every day reflected in all of my students. Just a reminder that you may find all newsletters posted on my site You can access the newsletter this week by clicking on the Third Grade tab on the top of my website. Then, hovering over with your cursor and clicking on “newsletters.”


In addition, spelling words for this week I have posted on spelling city (These words are a review of words learned previously.) Thus, there are not 18 words like there usually are. I anticipate another beautiful week of learning within our classroom!



Mrs. Amoscato

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