I think if you are an artist or in any artistic career, you probably have heard the phrase "finishing touches." The finishing touches bring the masterpiece all together such as the cherry or the sprinkles on top of a really delicious ice cream cone or designs carefully painted after the main coat has dryed. Sometimes, the finishing touches are what bring life into perspective. Sometimes, the delicate touches help us to make sense of the murky waters.
My husband has an eye for detail and finishing touches. I do not know what it is about him, but he has this magic of placing the sprinkles on top of every day. And truly, if we are honest with ourselves, some of us fail to see the "small touches" that make life so incredible; I certainly do. I think (actually I know) my mother has always had these finishing touch-like characteristics as well where she would get us a few Valentine's Day treats, bu what we happened to remember was the red food coloring that would inevitably transform our milk into a pink bath. She did this on St. Patrick's Day, too.
And I think this idea of Valentine's Day does miss this idea of "finishing touches." It isn't meant to be overdone or exaggerated or embellished. It is meant for you to recognize the finishing touches of life. Whether or not you are in a relationship, everyone is connected to humanity in some way and everyone has the potential to recognize those small-life touches such as a small smile or spontaneously buying a card or looking up to actually appreciate the sky or calling a friend whom you have not conversed with in a long while.
I arrived home tonight with purple flowers waiting and a homemade dinner. However, what I loved the most was the finishing touch (the card.) On the front it read: "Love You" and then "Love You S'more." And that got me. Because though my husband loves the world, he loves s'mores even more.
Just remember when you are looking for ways to serve others or show your love that small finishing touches are most likely the creators of long-lasting whimsical memories. It is the finishing touches that tend to create small pockets within our hearts. These pockets are cherished and treasured and forever remembered.