Something I've always been (and it's a difficult trait to get rid of) is a people pleaser. And I had to laugh because in my father's old high school year book a classmate wrote, "You are a beautiful person, Andy. Your only fault is that you are too nice." In fact, if I remember correctly, my dad's friends actually made him an "I'm sorry" cake once because he said sorry that many times. I suppose naturally beautiful people (my dad) sometimes find it difficult to upset others (and I suppose this makes sense.)
What I have realized moreso this year than many on this adventure of whimsy is just how exhausting pleasing everyone around us actually is. Mostly come to realize that some people are just never going to be happy and the emotions and the everchanging perspectives and the amount of people with different personalities-it's just so very exhausting to do so. I suppose what is more pertinent is understanding that to be a beautiful soul doesn't necessarily mean living your live in a way where pleasing others is first and foremost your mission. I've known plenty of radical and outspoken people who are changing the world or orchestrating their path in a way that ignores the "constant pleasing of others." Because the truth is only you can really know whether you are following your heart and your vocation (not others.) Regardless of what others may think or say- you cannot ever step into someone else's path because even you don't know what the path is-it's just a feeling or a journey we continue to travel placing one foot in front of the other.
Whimsy is rarely multiplied when our focus is simply on trying to make other people happy because generally those "happy feelings are simply fleeting feelings-like sticking putty in a crack near the door that will eventually unstick and drop to the ground. It may give you pleasure to know the individual next to you is smiling at a decision you made but those feelings aren't there to say, "Hey you are doing the right thing." Those feelings are simply there to MAKE you believe that you are doing the right things when in reality-you are so busy pleasing that you have not made a change at all. Here's to hoping that we begin to transform and multiply love in a way that does not offer a temporary putty stick but an actualy seal that withstands any weather because it is the seal of love from your heart - your destiny- and nothing and nobody else really matters.