I've decided that it is best to write reflectively on Sunday evenings. This forces me to get in a groove but also very meticulously reflect on the week that was had as well as the week that lies ahead. What a week it has been. It's amazing that with one plane flight, we are suddenly in LA and out of Pittsburgh to live out a year of whimsy, unknowns and new adventures. I'm reminded that we can do hard things. Luna had a horrible two nights of sleep but with a new bedtime between 7:40 and 8:00 as well as a very strict bedtime routine which ends in the ringing of our wind chimes (I know so whimsical) to ring in a beautiful sleep, we are now going to bed with absolutely no crying. See? We can do hard things! We have a very minimalistic apartment and have (since living in both parental houses) turned over a new leaf in terms of no longer using the dishwasher, washing dishes immedietely and owning a vacuum that works! We can do hard things. We are adapting tomorrow with a new little one to watch as well as some longer hours on specific days of the week for Xiao. The long hours are not surprising and certainly something we have been through many times before for the past few years. However, we will have our weekends, some of the days will end at normal time and we will adapt and adjust just like we have before! We are reminded of all the people who love us back home. We have already been visited by cousin David who was randomly on a work trip to LA and will be visited by cousin Gio and family in October, Grandma and Grandpa in August and the second grandparents come September. We can do hard things! It's nuts to look back on June and remember the whirwhind of a legacy teacher retiring, multiple birthdays, two transitions in and out of parental houses, cleaning out the apartment, Xiao's graduation ceremony, final talk, a bout of flu (or whatever it is that we had) and then finally a new chapter in LA. We can do hard things! We are reminded the blessings of every day as family text and call to say hello, the sun is constantly shining and we all have space to move about freely in our new place we will call home this year. We have met many friendly people, seen a lot of dogs, palm trees and are enjoying the quiet where we are currently dwelling. Believe it or not, living in Lawrenceville next to the hospital was actually much louder than where we currently reside. We will dream, love, learn, reflect and use this year as a reboot when we hopefully make our way back to the East Coast. We are meant to be where we are and we smile knowing that we are all together as a family, and we will make the most of our memories with whimsical dust, our little Luna a sense of humor. At the end of what seemed to be a very quick week, we know with great certainty, that we can move away and still feel the comfort of home. We can connect with others and make the distance feel smaller. We can continue to learn, live and laugh with one another and we can push ourselves out of our comfort zone with the reminder that beautiful things lie in every adventure. We can find renewed clarity and empty our minds as we open up to allow new things to spill in and change our souls for the better. We can do hard things. 

this journal is a chapter in...

Outside the Neighborhood
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