Dearest Luna Baby,
You are such a spirited little lady these days. You have a full range of emotions (anger, sadness, happiness, joy, whimsy, love) that change with the everyday seasons of life. You are such a complex, beautiful and wonderful little baby, and it continues to be a miracle watching you grow and light up the winter Pittsburgh sky around you.
You continue to love snuggles at any time during the day. If you could, you would quite literally be held all day, but that would break our back and our biceps, so we try to move you around to different areas of our very humble abode. Nevertheless, we secretly love the backaches and the snuggles because they are a reminder that YOU are the greatest bundle (albeit solid) bundle of joy there ever was. Feeling joy come to life in your arms is absolutely wonderful. It also allows us to not take anything for granted. You are healthy, thriving and overall very joyful, and we know you will continue to spread your joy throughout the world.
In terms of food, you will try and eat just about anything. We have tried hummus, beans, fruits and veggies, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, ground beef, a little turkey, egg, tofu and more. We put a little peanut butter on your tongue to ward off any allergies in the future. I secretly hope you will become a peanut butter fanatic just like me.
In terms of play, you love when people talk with you and talk to you. Any conversation is a welcomed one. You have begun to make more vowel sounds (babbling a lot when objects are in your mouth) or you are chewing on something. We love to hear these new conversational sounds blossom. You love to squeal when you see daddy walk through the door, and we know you are extra happy when you make those squealing sounds.
During our daily walks, we always have someone come up to us and comment on your cheeks or just how cute you are. We may be biased, but it seems like it is worldwide confirmed that you are just the cutest. You had your first Thanksgiving and wore a beautiful dress, went on your first airplane ride to Boston for a wedding and so it has been quite a busy month.
Right now, it appears like you want to crawl or walk with urgency. We love that you will lunge forward at literally any time of day, and I would bet that you will be crawling within a month or so. This will open up a whole world for you and so we are excited about it.
Luna-you are a loving delight, and we are so happy that YOU are happy! We have cherished every single moment of this year with you (even the sleep-deprived ones) and we cannot wait to see you continue to learn and grow and spread goodness.
Mommy and Daddy