I am one of those people who believes in signs even if we are "unsure" of where the signs are leading us. Signs are like secret passageways that tug at our heart strings towards whimsical dreams. In this case, the signs have been coming in the form of children's stories! We have visited our free library that is right across the street from our apartment in West LA. We truly need to sort through our books and leave a book or two for someone else to enjoy. Nevertheless, we usually pass by and take a look at the novels that are hidden inside the secret bookshelf. On Friday, we passed by and found a brand new collection of Pete the Cat stories complete with stickers in the back of the book. I have never seen Luna so incredibly happy. Her eyes twinkled and she immedietely said, "Pete the Cat?" in complete disbelief. I, too felt like we had won the lottery. We spent at least an hour reading the collection of stories last evening. It was a joyful family affair.
Today, we passed by the library after the park, and I didn't even think to look at the books behind the front books. My husband stopped, though, moved a book and behind another book pulled out a collection of 23 Daniel Tiger bedtime stories in a brand new collection. I kid you not, the two lessons we have really been focusing on in our household as we move through our emotions is Mr. Rogers/Daniel Tiger and Pete the Cat. The lessons are beautiful and so child-friendly. When this book was pulled out, I was in shock. Luna was in shock too because she stared at the book for a bit and then her face broke into a giant grin. We spent 50 minutes straight reading on the bed tonight every single Daniel Tiger story. Every fifteen minutes I said, "I just cannot believe the stories we received in just two days."
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from stories. We are humans and a collection of stories, the world is one giant evolving story and stories are at the heart of everything important. This is one of those times where I am smiling writing this blog because I actually have no idea what the "signs" are indicating. I'm not even quite sure why I am writing this in a journal entry. All I know is my heart is filled with the warmth of stories, I recognize (in my opinion) that the books are telling us something, and I'm even more excited to figure out what it is they are telling us. To disconnect from media? Perhaps. To remember what is truly important? Perhaps. To understand that the greatest lessons can be learned from stories themselves? Possibly. To remember the importance of social emotional learning? It could be all of these or none of these, but I am sure that it will all become clear someday somehow.
Mysterious signs sometimes are the best signs aren't they? Ugga Mugga everyone.