Sometimes, as teachers, we should stop and think, "Am I creating an atmosphere of motivation within the classroom?" Some teachers argue, "It doesn't matter if they don't find the topic interesting, they can't be interested all the time." It is a fact, that there will be classes you are asked to take and things that you are asked to do that may not be "interesting" or "magical" but you will have to do them. However, I can guarentee that a lesson on inferencing may become much brighter if an article about Michael Phelps is presented instead of an article about crickets. A lesson on character traits may become much brighter if a short story is read about an individual, age 8, is changing the world rather than a fictional character. A lesson regarding metacognition may be approached using a dull article provided by the curriculum or rather a magical short that was presented just weeks ago in the movie theatre before a film. Life is not always exciting, but we, as teachers, it is our responsibility to draw from different sources, search for the weird, crazy, unbelievable, interesting, passionate stories that our students may not otherwise be exposed to. 

this journal is a chapter in...

Hartwood Elementary School

5th Grade Summer School

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