I love this folk tale for the simple reason that it has a great moral that younger children can understand. Sometimes we don’t like to help people who are need, but the right thing to do is to help each other. The villagers eventually realize this and when the contribute to the soup, the whole village has more than enough to eat! This is a great folktale to read for kindergarten, first and even second grade. It is a perfect book for the beginning of the school year to emphasize the importance of “sharing with each other.” The teacher may decide to create a stone soup unit. Those in older grades may write a response to the book and those in the younger grades may create their very own “Stone Soup” recipe and “Stone Soup” booklet. Another great way to present this book to younger students would be to read this story using various props. The teacher may also place a big metal pot in the center of the circle so that each student can contribute to the pot by adding their vegetables into the soup.