I think so many of us take for granted the power of warmth. As a kid, during the winter, my dad was always in charge of the fireplace. And you knew it was always going to be a special night because when the fire was in the fireplace, everyone wanted to gather in a single room "by the fire." Actually, one of my earliest memories in elementary school was packing up to head to Buffalo, NY for the holidays and coming into the house where there was already a giant, blazing fire in the fireplace. My grandparents had a fireplace such that it was right on he ground. You could literally sit right next to it and feel like you were on fire. We rotated through the night so that everyone got a chance to experience the warmth. Ironically, when there was a fire, every relative was gathered inside one family room. 

There is much wisdom that comes from a fire. When you are in a place of warmth, your body automatically relaxes, and I find it to be one of the greatest spots to think, contemplate, revise and dig through life's complexities. Wherever you need to go (be it a fireplace, a blanket, a soft pillow) designate time in a spot of warmth. Perhaps it is a spot where you are physically warm or a spot where you feel mental comfort. Find it. Cherish it. Let your soul run free.  

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365 Days of Whimsical
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