Dear Grandpa, 

I'm wrapped up in a blanket listening to the ticks and tocks

of the grandfather clock

gazing at the tree with the candy cane ornaments

I even opened the snowman near the closet door

and guess what..

after all these years, there is still candy inside

like a little pouch of pocketed memories

time rushes by but

every time I enter Meadow Lane some of life

is able to stand very still

like a silent snowfall where drifts of snow

melt away time and worries and all is


and we can just


the same way we were able to be throughout childhood and into our teen years and college 

and adult years and beyond

the laughter and the memories, decorations and the sound of the music box

bring back so many memories

but this year

is a little different because


you aren't sitting in the chair with your big toothy grin

or telling stories of your football days out loud

those memories are now ingrained in our hearts

and when we drift from room to room we recreate the memories that once were

almost as if you were still sitting right beside us

and of course you are

your soul lives on in every cardinal that passes by beside the manger

where baby Jesus is gently turned over on Christmas Day wrapped in candy ribbons

It's interesting as I reflect back on this year 2021 

I can honestly say I thought more this year than any other year

more often than not I stopped to really think about the importance of family

the importance of life

the importance of time spent

thinking about what I am doing and most importantly why I am doing it

the importance of healing words over hurting words and patience over anger

a humble presence clothed in kindness- which is what you managed every day of your life here on earth

I think something changed inside of me the day I played Danny Boy and the Irish tune sung high into the heavens

Love and the embodiment of love are really the only ingredients necessary to a happiness that is

pure and genuine

but to find that pure and genuine happiness requires a steadfast commitment to faith and perspective

you lived your life with such richness and integrity

and perhaps that has allowed me to really focus on what truly matters

allowing passion to rush out of my soul with greater freedom

and reflecting daily on how to become a better human

I guess I just wanted you to know that we were all wondering about you tonight

some mentioned it out loud and others whispered it to themselves

but I know we were all wondering the same things

wondering what you are doing up in heaven

the food you are eating

the lives you are celebrating and the stories you are telling

every day since you have gone you have sent me small little signs reminding me that

life is full of tackles and blows

but a path that remains difficult always contains the most beautiful lessons

and stories and truths that reveal life's smaller purposes

and sometimes larger purposes too

so what I guess I'm trying to say is

thank you for continuing to give us

little slices of heaven

sprinkled with that Grandpa Dick love

you are missed

and you are so loved

Is there a post office in heaven?

I hope so

With Love, 


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