Dear Luna Baby,
I cannot believe you are almost at your half birthday! How is that even possible?! You continue to be a little angel nugget and daddy (and I love) love you so. You still have a lot of pep in your step. You love to read book after book after book and you look at all of the pictures with a pensive eye. You love to be cuddled when you wake up or when you are drowsy, and we relish in every single one of those hugs and then kiss your cheeks one million times. This month, you attended your first wedding. You were so good in the church, and you looked like a mint chocolate chip fairy princess with your tutu dress. You and your cousin Gio were the light of the party (this is for sure.) We also think that you are a hotel baby. You absolutely loved the hotel pillows and burrowing your head beneath them. We have a pretty hilarious video of you completing the titanic pose and then falling over onto your cousin. You still have your daddy's pensive (and stern) eyebrows. You use them to stare deeply into the eyes of every single person you look at.
You got your first two teeth. It was definitely painful initially, but once they cut through you seemed to feel a whole lot better. We celebrated your cousin's first birthday party, and you loved going to the zoo with him too. You continue to light up our lives with your little scrunch nose smile. You cannot roll over yet, but you can almost sit up on your own, and you are very STRONG. We are proud of your 99% weight and 98% height and 98% head measurement. You now love to place your hands over both of your eyes when you are tired, and you still enjoy your bottle although not as ravenous as you once were (I suppose this changes with age.) We tried some oatmeal and some sweet potatoes here and there, and you definitely seemed to enjoy both. You now love watching mommy or daddy cook in the kitchen. Watching people prepare food is a favorite pasttime and so is playing the piano! You love playing tunes every single day with mommy.
Luna Mae you are a miracle baby from above. You are sweet, lovely, thoughtful, kind and the ultimate rainbow. We look at the autumn leaves this year with a new kind of hope, and we have begun to see a renewed magic in the world because of you. Babies really are the greatest little angels on earth. You remind us of everything good, and it makes our hearts swell with pride, admiration and a deep gratitude for the gift we have been given.
We love you to the Luna and back. We hope time slows down this month as we prepare for your first Halloween, pumpkin patch visit, panda costume and so much more.
You are our everything.
Mommy and Daddy