My mother introduced me to the Old English Rhyme on my wedding day "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue." If you are interested in the origins of such a rhyme and the symbolism behind it, a good little google search will give you all the information you need. 

For me, I realized today that all four parts of this verse reflect the ingredients needed to create true whimsy. Today, after a long few weeks and continued driver's anxiety, I finally was able to secure a new/used car. 

Something Old: For me, this car is old. Certainly, it's not old in age but it represents an older version of myself. I am no longer a college student, I have endured a few roadside battles and time has continued to travel by. In the span between my first and now second car I have traveled miles to weddings, colleges, vacations and Buffalo, New York. Trips have made to and from the Northside for volunteer hours, back and forth to the library and back again only to realize I forgot a book. It has traveled to the airport to say goodbye and to the hospital for surgeries and checkups visiting family members. And no matter how different the paint job is or the seats are or even that "new car smell" that "something old" contained inside the car is wisdom. Wisdom in memory. Wisdom in journey. Wisdom in heart. 

Something New: In the Olde English Tale, "something new" stood for optimism. And for me, that is exactly what is held within the new seats of this vehicle. But, as with all new items that have just been opened, there is a sense of trust that has not yet been secured between us. I want to grasp optimism and yet I'm just not so sure yet about the optimism that is held within my heart. New for me is potential optimism or the "what could be" or the "what will be" in time. In time, wounds are healed and optimism can be released as full whimsy. 

Something Borrowed. I have borrowed much from that old vehicle but that one "thing" I take with me is not an object, nor the radio station I like to listen to or even the gadgets I enjoyed from my old car. No. I think what is borrowed is the continued want to help others in their journey whether it is through Urban Impact or driving refugees to their medical appointments or visiting my grandparents or catching up with a friend and listening to their life struggles or tutoring or showing up to work on time with excitement, joy and energy. Borrowed from the old is an honorable pact I made long ago that wherever I travel in my vehicle it will be to impact humanity in some way. What is borrowed is faith. What is borrowed is love. What is borrowed is a passion and a zest to made a difference even in the smallest of ways. 

Something Blue: Probably the easiest one of all. Both the old and the new are blue (though different shades). And if you think about the shades and the time in which I got the vehicle, it was representative of my personality and my character at that time. Just rolling on to the streets and into a classroom for the first time, I was bright and vibrant blue (royal if you will.) Now, years later, the color is lighter, more subdued and even a bit softer. And isn't that interesting. For I would say the more you have experience (both good and bad) your soul becomes softer with wisdom, softer with experience. Not to say my soul is not still vibrant (because it certainly is) but there is no need to "make anything known." Perhaps through experiences and challenges I have become humbled. Humbled regarding how short life really is and how precious and how quick it can be taken away in just a few seconds. Humbling to know that I have a new ride filled with potential whimsy. Humbled to be surrounded by beautiful family and friends-to be fully alive.

If you have a few moments in the near future, think of this Olde English Rhyme. Think about how you can apply it to your own life, and I guarentee that some kind of whimsy will be found. Something Old. Something New. Something Borrowed. Something Blue. 


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365 Days of Whimsical
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