2 miles: While I was running today, I had this moment of sincere peace wash over me. And for the first time ever, I ditched my idea of trying to find "something else." Contentment has always been something I have struggled with because I'm a goal oriented person, because I always convince myself that I can be better (which I can) but I also think that gratitude when you wake up everyday is sometimes realizing that those pancakes and coffee you make in the same way on that same day on the weekend-do you really need to change it up all the time? My fear for myself has always been "doing the same thing twice" because what if I could be doing something different? What if I could be doing something that teaches me more? What if I could be doing something that results in something different? Here is the thing-the answer to those questions is always going to be yes. Every single person in the universe can always be "doing something different." I argue though that channelled focus, real gratitiude, real zeal comes from that person who loves what they do and despite difficult circumstances that may pop up, they have remained on that path of incredible focus for a lifetime. I always think of (really both my parents) but particularly my dad who has been a cancer researcher his entire life. I remember there being so many times where we would say to him: "Go somewhere else." "Go find another place" "Start a career where the people will be easier to work with." And looking back-that probably was horrible for him because my dad has always had this drive and ability to seek contentment but also passion where he is. You don't need to go far to really shake things up. The treasure is sometimes right underneath your feet and looking around will only further complicate things. This post isn't to say that some individuals need to leave to find themselves (I agree with this as well.) It depends on what you have been called to do. Just realize that shaking things up where you are can sometimes be that much more difficult than completely leaving an old journey behind. And maybe that is what you are being called to do.