In staying grounded, I have had to force myself to hit the pavement more frequently than usual. By running, my running thoughts actually take a breather and thus clarity does continue. Today I was reflecting upon the missing ingredient that is missing from online learning (besides the obvious in-person and authentic social interaction.) Having the opportunity to have taught in-person classes and live-teaching online, I have felt in my heart that something has been not quite right, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until today. You can still create whilst instructing online. Creativity can still occur. You can still laugh and heal with your positivity. You can push forward or move backward. You can become frustrated or enthusiastic/excited. But the missing ingredient is the marathon. I was running today around 11:30 after teaching, and I was just plain tired (for whatever reason.) My legs felt stiff, my back hurt, and I felt with every stride I took I was extra creaky. Nevertheless, I managed to push through. As I was crossing my favorite bridge on the way back home, I took time to notice (for the millionth time) the sun that shines in just the right way that it reflects off the trees and creates these beautiful lace-like patterns woven across asphalt. And in that moment, I realize just how much that last .5 miles felt like a mountain. A mountain that I had to motivate myself to face alone. In my head, I almost stopped a few times because I figured I could always just walk the rest of the way. But I didn't.

And then I began to think about what it felt like to run a half marathon for the first time. How I flew faster because of the people around me. So much of school is motivation of others. It's the motivation of others that inspires, that makes us laugh and communicate and create and think more globally. But teaching online learning is a lot like running solo. You are surrounded by many people, but you can't see their motivation, you can't feel their motivation. When you are running in the middle of pack and you see everyone moving in the same direction trying to conquer dreams, motivation becomes not just a 'key word" but a real feeling. It's like a gentle breeze that allows you to smile but also contains enough strength that it moves you forward in a way you cannot do yourself. So for those of us moving into online learning this year, let us remember that everyday is a solo marathon for our students. Everyday, we have 10 or 12 or more students running beside one another on separate tracks (all in separate races) and they miss that feeling of motivation and forward movement. You cannot replicate certain feelings. They either exist or cease to do so, but it is our humble quest to be able to find a way to create a marathon where all of our runners feel motivated to climb the mountain at the end. The one that contains that gentle but strong breeze creating moments of whimsy and pride, and a strong sense of community. Because regardless of what we continue to say, one year of anyone's life is a big deal. And so we must be ready to swim through the oceans of change together-carrying truth and an authentic marathon that will motivate our students to climb it on their own. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Miles of Clarity: Seeing 20/20
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