We landed in Ann Arbor, Michigan this evening as we begin to really sift through job opportunities and options as a family, and I couldn't help but become completely mesmerized by our daughter Luna's excitement and approach to change. As someone who likes to know what is coming next, I would be remiss if I didn't confess the fact that I am terrified of "what comes next." Because honestly-we have no idea. I like my goals, I like the comfort of my own home, and I like my routines and so the fact that we are moving across the country in two months, don't have a place to live yet and just spent the past 24 hours boxing up the last seven years, I feel like i'm in some sort of twilight zone. Change? Not my favorite. It hasn't been since I was a kid! It's not that I'm inflexible, I just don't shift super well into new spaces at a fast rate. I shift, but it takes some time. I contemplate every aspect of the old and then the space between the shift and then I SHIFT (reluctuantly.) But not our daughter. We entered into our Airbnb, and I have never seen a happier baby. She stood up onto every piecce of furniture imaginable, she crawled into every room, pushed open every door, laughed, giggled, rolled and managed to stay up until 9:00 because she was so excited. She even licked every carpeted area I do believe. 

I loved watching her because I thought to myself, if an almost one-year old can embrace the new, I sure can too. I find babies to be absolutely remarkable little humans. I also think they are so much wiser (in many ways) than adults. They roll and lick their new surrounding and they dive right in to provide their own comfort. They lunge at the new opportunities, and they giggle with the excitement of a slightly bigger space to frolic. Little Luna reminds us that our light is not where we are, but it's who we are with. As long as we have a comfy space to sleep, mama, baba and a singing hedgehog (and our bottle), home is right where we find ourselves at that very moment. Such a needed reminder as we step into our new neighborhood. Thanks to little Luna, the shift becomes a little bit easier, and a lot more beautiful. 

this journal is a chapter in...

Outside the Neighborhood
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