Our littlest peanut changed completely within just one week of time. We aren't quite sure what happened or why it happened so suddenly but our emotions have suddenly turned to calm. It seems that our little Luna lady was trying to figure out about nine million emotions as well as all of her language in about two or three months worth of time. And in that time, we definitely had some rocky waters. Last Monday, we woke up and things were just so very different. We sang the patience song when we needed to wait, and we weren't making really any demands. We got up out of our naptime with the tiniest of tears and then all of a sudden we started sleeping in until 6:40 in the morning when we have historically been waking up between 4:45-5:10 for the past six or seven months. This continued all throughout the week and into the weekend and we have simply decided that Miss Luna may suddenly put the puzzle pieces together of the emotions she was trying to understand, and we really could not be more proud.
What does this have to do with a candy bar you ask? We were in Trader Joes and although this is a weekly routine, we placed her in the cart with her bunny and there she sat. She pointed to the passing treats and foods but simply hummed to herself enjoying the people watching. And of course, we were once again in awe of her patient body that somehow gained so much control in just one week of time. We decided to pick out a sweet treat as a family to celebrate this momentous week and decided upon a crispy chocolate bar that we were going to share together post shopping. All of a sudden as we were coming out of the store, we saw a mother holding a sign with three little ones asking for food, money or really anything that will help the family that had nothing. Having one child is hard enough. Having three as a single parent with no home is just- I cannot even fathom it. We gave some of our groceries away, and we also decided to give away the chocolate bar that our little one so desparately wanted. We left the family and could see the tears beginning to form in the eyes of Luna Mae as she realized that her prized possession had just been given away. We explained to her that sometime the candy bar must travel on to meet someone else who needs it more. Wants versus needs. Such a truly difficult concept but was learned in one night thanks to the beautiful family we saw outside. And remarkably, despite her hurt, I know that Luna Mae understood too. There was no more discussion about that candy bar after we gave it away, and we trust and hope it brought a little bit of joy to the family that needed it. There is always someone who needs that candy bar more...always an important life lesson to learn no matter what age you may be.