My husband came home from night shift around 7:00 AM yesterday, and we decided a spontaneous breakfast out before he fell asleep was just what we needed. It is funny how sometimes an unexpected event and also the anticipation of delicious food can really heighten your senses. As we were traveling along and crossing bridges to get to the North Side, both of us mentioned the beauty of the blue skies and the sun that seemed like it was shining down on every neighborhood in Pittsburgh. 

As we were eating our breakfast and sipping our coffee, we were joined by countless walks of life who must have had the Blue Skies Breakfast plan in mind as well. Two police officers were chatting and eating their pancakes, a little boy dropped in with his dad (probably three years old) and together they were chatting back and forth and enjoying eachother's company and two men beside them were catching up on life through deep conversations about traveling and languages in retirement. A little sun goes a long way.

And the table we were sitting at was the one table by the window where the light was shining ever so slightly on our plates. There is something magnificent about morning sun and Blue Skies. In fact, when my parents were dating (very early on) my dad created a song for my mom entitled Blue Skies. His world was filled with Blue Skies when he found love. Morning sun and cafe food were the Blue Skies of this morning. And even when you wake up in the city of Pittsburgh and find the skies to be gray or even white, stop and think about what is going to be your Blue Sky today. Because every day, there is a chance at blue skies. The sun may not be shining in the sky, but it is always shining from up above. We are challenged to tranform the skies into blue even when the color blue cannot be found within our Crayola collection. 

Seek Blue Skies. Find contentment. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Days of Whimsical
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