Thanks to my new "sister," we went out to dinner together on Saturday evening to a sushi place near where we live. And the experience was the epitome of whimsy. It was a bit hard to explain, but we were lucky enough to secure a table that looked as though you were sitting on the ground in a darknened room with a few glowing lamps here and there. However, the table was deceiving because as you went to sit down, your feet were actually able to rest below your seat as there was a space carved out beneath the table. 

It was lovely because it was a small intimate space with little cups decorated with pandas. The waitress was lovely and when it was just us inside the room, you could actually hear nothingness. This was an interesting experience because generally when you go out to dinner you are surrounding by louder people and the noise of others laughing and talking or arguing. Before the table sat down next to us, it was just us, enjoying a small table, our legs dangling hearing the silence of a whimsical Saturday evening. 

People tend to understimate the concept of environment and how important environment is to the person or persons living in that space (even for a short while.) Because I think all environments bring about an important whimsy that is unmatched by any other environment and thus can be spread by not necessarily replicated. The environment of a space almost takes on the characteristics of a person. Every person gives off an aura or a talent or way about them that multiplies love but we do it in very different ways. In this space, it was the quietness and tight quarters that created the multiplication. In my parents house, it is the warmth of the decorations and the thousands of pictures on the well that replicates a nostalgia that I haven't quite sensed in any other space. In my brother's new apartment I think it's this multiplication of shared vibes in a new space that multiplies a feeling of adventure. In my own apartment, I think the feeling multiplied is just dimmed coziness. There are no bright lights but dimmed lamps and candles and many blankets that create our space. 

Environment is important as are the people. And together, they create a whimsy that whispers balance and harmony and a melodious piece of one's soul. Think about the environments you may find yourself in and think about the journey they create just by being there. And then carry that journey in your heart and tell someone about it. An environment that is passed or shared triumphs one that is experienced alone. 

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365 Days of Whimsical
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