Dear Luna, 

We cannot believe you are three months. Where in the world has the time gone? So much has changed in the past month, it is difficult to even express in words. You continue to be the most loving, intuitive and sweetest babe we have ever seen. You love to look with wide eyes at the leaves blowing in the wind, the grass, the birds, the city streets and pretty much anything else that catches your eye. Going on long walks is probably your favorite activity, and we have spent several hours per day doing just that! Your attention to detail is truly unbelievable for just three months old. It's like you can see right inside a person's soul when you are looking at them. ;)

You just began to smile this month, and it has been a game changer. You have the most beautiful smile which starts with a little nose scrunch and then lights up your entire face (and then everyone else's face, too!) You are an excellent eater and sleeper. You can go seven hours now through the night without needing to eat, and you wake up, not quite as upset as you did last month when you were hungry. Your coos have become our favorite part about you. When you start talking, there is no stopping you. Mommy loves to read to you both in the morning when you wake up and then in the evening before you fall asleep. You listen and listen and when it is your turn to tell the story you could coo for hours and hours. You like to coo, pause and wait for a response and then coo some more. Your voice is so full of love and wonder-we just simply cannot get enough of it. 

Your eyebrows continue to be the strongest muscle in your body (just like daddy.) You most recently just found your hands and enjoy folding and unfolding your fingers. Sometimes when you wake up, you go a little cross eyed staring at your fist to make sure it is still there. Just a day ago, you also discovered your feet and your toes. This has also been a fascinating new development. 

You have grown so very fast that you now are about 15 pounds. Though you still like a cradle position, you much prefer now sitting up so you can see everything going on around you. You look like you are very close to being able to roll over, and we continue to practice our tummy time to grow those muscles. Your neck is very strong as it is to hold up your beautiful noggin. 

Luna Mae you are just a delightful miracle. Our favorite time is when you wake up in the morning with a BIG yawn and a BIG stretch ready to take on the world. Bath time continues to be a family favorite, and we so love looking through your eyes that sparkle with wonder. You just make life so much more fulfilling. The world was so ready for a Luna like you. 

We love you, and we cherish every waking hour with you. 

You are the sun, the stars and our little moon. 

With love, 

Mommy and Daddy

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