Tonight was a Connexions Training at Urban Impact. I always laugh a bit when attending these sessions because I think to myself If we could just bring these spiritual trainings into our public schools, I think we would find a life-changing transformation occurring within the hearts of our teachers and our students. Others may disagree, but if done correctly, I think professional spiritual development is incredibly whimsical. What is whimsical is showing up and realizing that we are never too old to learn a new lesson, listen to a profound story, think about something in a different way. For the minute we stop wanting to develop ourselves, we lose out on a lot of the whimsical encounters throughout life. We lose out on growth and without growth-whimsy cannot occur. You see-whimsy is planted when growth is in the process of...when growth is in the verb state. And though I was just talking to two of my oldest friends about how neither of them have grown since high school, your spiritual growth is never stunted. It can double, triple, quadruple with a thirst to love more and to seek whimsy in vulnerability.

Tonight's session was discussing different leadership styles, and I found myself thinking deeply about what kind of person I currently am and what person I wish to become. There are what we call intellectual leaders who learn all they can about a particular subject and then put it into practice. There are the direct leaders who say what they mean and are not afraid to speak their mind about their beliefs and what they deem right. In addition, there are leaders who are excellent storytellers. In other words, they have the power to teach lessons based on their story while listening to others. There is of course the leader of service who gives unto others without delay and lastly the interpersonal leader who is mostly about making and maintaining strong relationships and friendships. 

 And I think if we are honest with ourselves, many of us may possess a little bit of every one of these spiritual leadership qualities. However, truthfully, we feel most at home with maybe one or two. For me, I enjoy the interpersonal. I find great joy in listening to others as well as serving others in the best way possible. However, I think sometimes I take on too much responsibility causing me to forget about the fact that I cannot do it alone. I need help from other beautiful people and Him and the spirit of whimsy to create real change. 

I was always hesitant about this word leadership. I think it can be intimidating. Scary. Too real, sometimes. But in some capacity, every single one of us is a leader. There is whimsy in knowing what you wish to become and where your heart is headed in the spirit of leadership. Take time to reflect upon your leadership style. Find others who compliment your style and see your weaknesses through. 

Every person is a leader. And every leader, has a story. Go find yours. 

this journal is a chapter in...

365 Days of Whimsical
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